Reflections on Aviation

We share our views on the aviation environment ...

This is an exciting new innovation to enable connection with smaller regional players in the industry. Regional aircraft manufacturer ATR has launched its new “Customer Experience Studio” at its headquarters in France. Equipped with seven cameras, a high-performance sound system, touch screens and virtual reality devices, the ATR Customer Experience Studio is the first of its kind in the aeronautical industry.
Happy 40th anniversary ATR

ATR Inaugurates Cutting-Edge Customer Experience Studio - ATR (

Short haul efficiency. Fuel, CO2 and noise reductions. Welcome Le Bourget

Prior to 2020 (Covid), the aviation sector was a leader in technological advancements. However with the pandemic bringing into sharp focus the need for a different aspect of aviation security, we find ourselves facing a future which will likely not only include "vaccine passports" but touchless systems for airport activities from terminal  entry temperature monitoring solutions for assessing elevated facial temperatures to aircraft boarding using face recognition passports.

The future of air travel is going high tech due to coronavirus (

We read, with interest, the stories which reported the Finnish support for aviation. This will continue through to next summer. The report shares an example of a 50-seater aircraft which carried 3 passengers in one direction, then just 1 on its return. While the circumstances surely differ in the Caribbean, the need to develop a policy which will not only identify qualifying routes but provide a methodology for support and the financing of such is urgently needed. 

Loss-making regional aviation routes get continued €1,000+ per passenger subsidies | Yle Uutiset |

The days of spur-of-the-moment travel seem to be over. Booking air travel as a necessity and then hotel and ground transport as supplementary requirements, are no longer the only actions required to fly. Covid Health protocols and entry requirements have now leap-frogged over booking your air travel as a necessary first step. While many websites endeavour to assist travelers, the first step is to research the exit protocols from the country of your departure. Once you establish how to depart, you must research the entry protocols for your destination, aligned to your country of departure. This is because entry protocols may differ depending on the country of departure such as the entry protocols in the UK traffic-light based system. If you are transiting through one or more countries on your journey to your final destination, these steps must be repeated for each  transit country. Many of these exit and entry health protocols require testing and proof of negative Covid tests. These too must be timed carefully prior to your departure so that your swabbing and receipt of your test result remain valid at the time of your arrival at your destination. Is this sufficient to initiate a requiem for spur-of-the-moment travel? We mourn. Do you?

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